Inside Out Ottawa

Inside Out Film Festival is excited to announce a new chapter for our Ottawa audience! While we won’t be hosting our traditional fall festival this year, we’re embracing the opportunity to bring you queer films all year long. In partnership with MAX Ottawa, we’re transforming the single weekend event into a vibrant, year-round screening experience. This new approach means more chances to celebrate and enjoy diverse queer cinema throughout the year. Join us on this exciting journey as we bring more of the films you love to the community, creating a continuous celebration of queer stories and voices!

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Upcoming Events

About the program | A football player with a hidden talent, a musical extravaganza that’ll make you fly high, a poetic celebration of ballroom, an energetic diva duo, a dance group becoming a safe space, and a lost boy finding chosen family.

Date | August 18, 2024

Time | Doors: 12:15pm / Event Start Time: 12:45

Location | ByTowne Cinema, 325 Rideau St.

Films | Realness with a Twist, MnM, The House of LaBeija, Haus, Unless We Dance, The Tweetations Revue

Past Events